Proverbs 3:15

"She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her."

Saturday, January 14, 2012


There are always new beginnings in our lives from the new beginning of a life of a new baby into the world to a prosperous or not so prosperous active and productive adulthood. There are new beginnings that open up the doors to tremendous dreams, passions and desires in our lives. Some beginnings will inevitably effect us positively, then there are some that will definitely do the opposite. There are also some that will never be realized into reality because of fear.
There are beginnings in our lives to start anew or to restart either one is just as important and challenging. It is definitely a challenge and can cause great anxiety, stress and fear. The unexplored, unknown or just being uncomfortable usually brings on the fear, that huge knot in your stomach that makes you feel really ill. Believe me, I know the feeling very well myself and has had new beginnings and restarts, that brought on that same awful feeling in my stomach.
Fear …..I like to say I refer to it as, False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear if allowed, can intimidate, dominate or paralyze you and will choke all your dreams, passions and desires right out of you. It will kidnap your potential and leave you wondering “What if” and what ifs are debilitating and will not only sap your dreams but your vigor for life as well.
New beginnings can be starting college, getting married, becoming a parent, moving into a new home or area, relationships, new job or career, starting a business, or becoming serious about your writing dreams like me.
Beginnings that are restarted would include relationships, picking up your old dreams where you left off, passions and desires again, careers or starting or finishing a well deserved book. I have conquered that impostor, fear, no matter what last name he uses, fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of failure, or any others, and yes I have had those challenges as well with my writing dreams. What ever it is you can begin again and complete it. One thing is very important, whatever your dreams, passions, or desires are, guard them well, or it can be stolen from you with ridicule and doubt, and that scoffer could be you.
There are always going to be new starts, restarts, dreams, passions and desires in this life and “oh” don’t forget complacency. Fear is an annihilator that will impede your life progress. In this life you will continue to grow, evolve and change, some faster than others, but you will have the opportunity to make that choice or just stay the same. Life is funny sometimes though and even when you want to stay the same is it impossible because life is progressive.
When given the blessings of having dreams, passions, or desires, stand strong and don’t let fear have his way with you, instead, slap him in the face, let go and go for it. God is a God of dreams, passions and desires and he has no respect of persons and will hand them out without any reservations, we just need to grasp it, believe that we can and do it.
Because “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 NIV
What fears in your life almost stopped you from reaching your dreams, passions or desires?
By sharing your stories with others you may help someone else overcome their fears and be victorious.

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